Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Link 5- Persona Saturation

Death in one bite.

In what seems to be a year filled with Persona 4 we talk about how this affects the series as a whole. Spencer, Melissa, Will, and Lauren also answer your questions and talk even more about P4A not coming out until god knows when in the PAL regions. Still there is good news such as talk about P4G and the recently dubbed anime. Also we talk a bit about the plans for our upcoming playthrough of Catherine over the month of October.

-Download Here-

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Ways To Connect To You!

The Persona Podcast is ever expanding as we gain in popular (thanks to all of you)! We now have a tumblr which you can find here. The tumblr is run by the always helpful Melissa and she will be updating it as regularly as she can. She will post news a bit, but the majority will be funny Persona related picture and videos. So be sure to follow it and let us know what you think!

We also now have a Facebook group and this is so you can communicate with us better than ever. We will update it with news about the show and you can share anything you want other listeners to know. This will be a better way for us to get to know what you all are into. So feel free to join and start conversations with everyone in the group. You can find the group here.

Like I said before, we could not be where we are without you, the listeners. So thanks for all the support and don't forget to share us with all of your friends.

Before I wrap this up, I wanted to remind you all about Persona 4 the anime is coming out in America 9/18/2012 on blu-ray and dvd. You can pick them up for a bit of a discount at amazon now.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Link 4-There's a snake in her boot?!

These cover arts seem to be getting stranger...
This week the whole gang is back to give you our most crazy episode to date. Which isn't saying much since this is the 4th link. We talk about ANOTHER Persona 4 game coming out, ANOTHER Persona 4 game NOT coming out, and what an american Persona 4 show would look like.

-Download Here-